Basic Usage

This page describes the basic functionality of CopyQ clipboard manager.

First Start

To start the CopyQ double-click the program icon or run command copyq. This starts graphical interface which can be accessed from tray. Click the tray icon to show application window or right-click the tray icon and select “Show/Hide” or run copyq show command.

The central element in the application window is list with clipboard history. By default the application stores any new clipboard content in the list.

If you copy some text it will immediately show at the top of the list. Try copying text or images from various application to see how this works.

Basic Item Manipulation

You can edit selected text items in the list by pressing F2. After editing save the text with F2.

Create new item with Ctrl+N, type some text and press F2.

Copy the selected items back to clipboard with Enter or Ctrl+C.

Move items around with Ctrl+Down and Ctrl+Up.

You can move important or special items to new tabs (see Tabs for more info).


To quickly copy item to clipboard you can select the item from tray menu. To display the menu either right-click on tray icon, run command copyq menu or use a custom system shortcut.

After selecting an item in tray menu and pressing enter (pressing a number key works as well) the item is copied to the clipboard.